‘Guaranteed’ Article Directory Links Service
If you are looking for links from the top article directories without having to worry about opening your own accounts and getting your article rejected because of quality then please keep reading.
With our article directory links service you’ll get the following:
- 1 x High quality 500 word article.
- Guaranteed article (with links) on the following sites; eZineArticles.com, GoArticles.com, IdeaMarketers.com, ArticleFactory.com, Amazines.com, ArticlesDashboard.com, AmericanChronicle.com
- BONUS 1: Article spun and submitted to 20 Web 2.0 blogs e.g.Tumblr.com, WordPress.com, Webs.com
- BONUS 2: 10 social bookmarks to your money site and blogs.
- With the Premium Package you get all the above PLUS an additional Press Release written and submitted to Google News, PressBox.co.uk, PRLog.org, FreePressRelease.com & IdeaMarketers press release.
- With the Platinum Package you get all the above PLUS an additional video professionally created with an actor promoting your business/service. It is then submitted to 6 sites including YouTube, DailyMotion, Facebook, PhotoBucket, MySpace & Metacafe.
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